A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between KNUTKiT, ELIA and the Konrad Wolf Film University in Babelsberg (Germany)

A significant international event took place in the life of our University!
Last week in Portugal, the leadership of our University, represented by Rector Inna Kocharyan and First Vice-Rector Oleh Kratt, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the European League of Arts Institutions and the Konrad Wolf Film University in Babelsberg, Germany (Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad).
The provisions of this document grant the Film University and the Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts the status of sister schools. The Memorandum covers the period of 2022-2025 with the prospect of its extension.
And now, the most interesting thing for our students: On June 15, a competition for the Abakanovych scholarship will be held among the applicants of our University. The winners will be 6 students of the Institute of Screen Arts, who will be selected by the experts of our German partner. The students will receive a scholarship of €2,000 during the next academic year.
Another area within the framework of the Memorandum will be the mentoring support of our students by a sister school (exchange of experience, mentoring and assistance in the educational process).
Currently, the University has begun the procedure for selecting mentors who specialize in educational and professional programs taught at the bachelor’s and master’s level at KNUTKiT.
This event strengthens the status of the flagship of art education in Ukraine in the international arena and expands educational opportunities for our students.
It is worth reminding that since 2022 I. K. Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television has been a full member of the European League of Art Institutes (ELIA).