University today
I. K. Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theater, Cinema and Television (shortly known as KNUTKiT) is one of the leading institutions of art education, whose history goes back more than 100 years (in 2024 the University celebrates its 120th anniversary).
We are an active participant in the overall process of humanitarian development of society, preservation and enhancement of spiritual values, and Ukraine’s integration into the European and world cultural space.
The University trains professional staff in the specialties 021 “Audiovisual Arts and Production” and 026 “Performing Arts” (field of knowledge 02 “Culture and Arts”) in accredited educational and professional, educational and scientific, educational and creative and scientific programs at the first (bachelor’s), second (master’s), third (PhD, Doctor of Arts) levels of higher education.
It includes the Institute of Screen Arts and the Faculty of Theater Arts.
Today, sixteen departments of the University employ outstanding masters of theater and film and television art, including art directors, chief directors and leading actors of academic theaters, film and television directors, academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine, doctors of arts and doctors of philosophy (PhD).
A large number of scientific publications, monographs, and teaching materials demonstrate the significant scientific potential of the University’s faculty, whose research activities are aimed at research in the field of art theory and history, theater pedagogy, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies, and involvement of students in scientific work.
Graduates of the University work in various fields of culture and arts. Their creative achievements are highly appreciated both in our country and abroad. Among them are honored artists, honored cultural workers, winners of state and international awards.
The University’s activities are aimed at developing national consciousness and intellectual culture, further improving art education, and providing highly professional education for creative youth. The optimal ratio of humanitarian, fundamental and special training of future masters of theater, cinema and television is the most important task of the University.
Our higher education institution develops its international creative ties, contributes to the deepening of global integration processes in the field of theater, cinema and television and the recognition of Ukrainian art education abroad.
I. K. Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts is among the founding members of the World Theater Education Alliance.
In 2022, our University became a member of the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA).
Thanks to the creative and scientific-pedagogical potential, the University has created the most favorable conditions for the training of highly professional specialists for theater, cinema and television that meet the requirements of the artistic present, as well as compliance with the state strategy in the field of national culture development, enrichment of the traditions of the Ukrainian theater school.